The role of action research in the development of learning networks for entrepreneurs

Brett, Valerie and Mullally, Martina and O'Gorman, Bill and Fuller-Love, Nerys (2012) The role of action research in the development of learning networks for entrepreneurs. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 9 (2). pp. 125-143. ISSN 1476-7333

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Developing sustainable learning networks for entrepreneurs is the core objective of the Sustainable Learning Networks in Ireland and Wales (SLNIW) project. One research team drawn from the Centre for Enterprise Development and Regional Economy at Waterford Institute of Technology and the School of Management and Business from Aberystwyth University has contributed to the understanding of how to create sustainable business learning networks for entrepreneurs. The research findings are attributed to action research by the conduction of two separate cycles in the forum of research projects. The first cycle, called Female Entrepreneurs in Ireland and Wales, produced findings that were reflected on and investigated further by the research team through the establishment of the second cycle named SLNIW. This paper discusses the two action research cycles through the action sets of planning, action, observing and reflecting and the contribution of the development of understanding and practice of networking for entrepreneurs through the production of guidelines for establishing sustainable learning networks.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Funding Information: The establishment of the SLNIW project is based on the research findings attributed to the Female Entrepreneurs in Ireland and Wales (FEIW) project which was funded by the INTERREG 11A Ireland and Wales Programme and operated from 2005 to 2008. Research conducted through the FEIW project suggested that traditional networking arrangements for entrepreneurs were not as effective as they should be in terms of learning and imparting knowledge. One of the most noticeable findings from the FEIW project was the value derived from the interaction between the female entrepreneurs (Tynan et al. 2009), and through their discussion, questioning and reflection, they appeared to learn as much if not more from each other in comparison with the workshops delivered by professional practitioners. The findings of the FEIW project in conjunction with the recognised value of entrepreneurial tacit knowledge (Cong and Pandy 2003) and the difficulty in accessing this resource has led the research team through the SLNIW project to further investigate the means and value of greater accessibility, transferability and sustainability of this resource for both individual firm development and regional economic development.
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Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2022 23:07
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2023 22:25

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