The use of digital video in physical education

Weir, Tony and Connor, Sean (2009) The use of digital video in physical education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 18 (2). pp. 155-171. ISSN 1475-939X

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This paper details the technical and operational aspects of a project investigating the role of digital video in physical education in 12 Irish schools over a period of two academic years. The project design involved a qualitative investigation into the use of digital video in three areas of physical education, namely teaching, learning and assessment. The group of physical education teachers who implemented the project received intensive training in the use of the technology initially and were also given additional training to meet the evolving needs of the project over its duration. The time demands placed on the team in terms of planning and preparation and post-production work were recorded. The motivational effect of the use of the technology on students was noted. The capacity of the technology to provide focused feedback on performances was examined through the reviewing of video clips of students' performances in physical education lessons. The use of digital video as an aid to both formative and summative assessment in physical education was also examined. Aspects of assessment for learning were used in providing a cohort of students with opportunities to set their own learning goals and evaluate their own learning while compiling electronic learning portfolios. A total of 31 such portfolios were collated. An examination of the use of digital video technology as a means of assessing practical performances was also undertaken.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Funding Information: The project, which ran for two academic years in 12 Irish schools, was funded by the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) and the Department of Education and Science (DES) in Ireland and was initially conceived in response to perceived challenges that appeared likely to arise in the context of assessment of new syllabuses in physical education in Ireland. In particular the Leaving Certificate Physical Education Syllabus (the approximate equivalent of A level in the UK), which would attempt to provide formal certification of student learning in physical education at Leaving Certificate level in Ireland for the first time, posed specific challenges as assessing, moderating and ascribing a standard to particular levels of practical performance for this terminal examination had not previously been attempted. The emphasis of the original project proposal was on the potential use of digital video as an assessment aid in physical education. This has been identified by many authors as a potential use of information and communications technology (ICT) (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1995; Baugh, 2002; Buckingham & McFarlane, 2001; Burden & Kuechel, 2004; Hall & Leigh, 2001).
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Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2022 23:08
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2023 16:05

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