Abdalla-Mabshour, Muzamil (2010) Construction Project Management in Developing Countries – A Case Study Investigation of Sudan. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Carroll, Ray (2010) Water Supply and Construction – An Investigation in the most economical methods of rehabilitating water mains in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Coffey, Patrick (2010) An investigation into the role and use of Conflict Management processes in the Irish Construction Planning Application process. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Colbert, Eamonn (2010) Building Energy Rating (BER) – A study of the integration of BER into the Irish Planning System. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Curley, Martin (2010) Value Management (VM) Systems in Construction – An investigation into the use of VM systems in a leading Irish contractor. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Daly, Vincent (2010) Energy Efficiency – An investigation into the use and costs of energy to Irish SMEs. Masters thesis, Waterford Institue of Technology.
Davey, Keith (2010) Contemporaneous Records in Construction – A Case Study of their capture and use in a leading Irish contractor. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Dempsey,, Anthony (2010) Sustainability and the Irish Construction Industry – Evaluating the importance of the role of the Project Manager in sustainable construction. Masters thesis, Waterford Institue of Technology.
Doherty, Brian (2010) Construction Programming and Cost Control – A Case Study of a leading Irish contractor. Masters thesis, Waterford Institution of Technology.
Dooling, Dearmuid (2010) An investigation into the survival and development of Irish Construction SMEs. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Dower, Sean (2010) Strategic Planning for Sustainable Refurbishment of Local Authority Housing. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Doyle, John (2010) Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Sustainability – An evaluation of BIM analysis software and sustainable building performance. Masters thesis, Watefrord Institute of Technology.
Droney, Andrew (2010) Geotechnical Engineering Design and Control – A qualitative study within BAM Civil Engineering, Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Fagan, Colin (2010) An investigation into the application of the Intelligent Building concept for commercial office buildings. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Gibbons, Declan (2010) An examination of the potential benefits of aligning Knowledge Management with Quality Management Systems for Irish roadway projects. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Gilsenan, Des (2010) Brownfield Site Development – A study of the options for treatment of contaminated soil on site or by removal to other locations. Masters thesis, Waterford Institue of Technology.
Graham, Brian (2010) Emerging Issues in Knowledge Management for Irish Construction Organisations: A Grounded Theory Approach. PhD thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Harte, Pascal (2010) Undergraduate Construction Education – A study of the role of Practical Learning in Third Level Construction Studies. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Healy, Brian (2010) Mechanical and Biological Treatment (MBT)– An Investigation into the role of MBT in meeting Ireland’s waste treatment obligations. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Kahraman, Mehmet (2010) An Evaluation of the performance of Roadway Drainage Systems used in Irish national roads. Masters thesis, Waterford Institue of Technology.
Keating, Kevin (2010) Construction Contracts - An investigation into the time and cost performance of contracts for motorway projects in Ireland and the UK. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
McCauley, Barry (2010) Facilities Management (FM)– An investigation into the potential role of a Facilities Manager in the design and construction phases of a project. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
McDonnell, Anthony (2010) Barriers and Enablers to Energy Efficient Retrofitting of Dwellings in Ireland Masters thesis. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
McGrath, George (2010) Building Information Modeling (BIM) – An Evaluation of the use of BIM on a large Commercial Construction Project in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
McHardy, Fiona (2010) Supply Chain Management - An investigation into the value of integrated supply chains on third level education construction projects. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Moran, Niamh (2010) Sustainable Pavement Construction – An investigation into the available sustainable pavement options for a leading contractor. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Moroney, Oliver (2010) Remediation of Contaminated Lands in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Muir, Ken (2010) ICT in Construction – An investigation into Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in the leading Irish construction firms. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Mulcahy, John (2010) An investigation into the procurement and construction of Airport Runways in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Murphy, Philip (2010) Knowledge Management in Construction – A study of a leading contractor in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O'Farrell, Peter K. (2010) Value Engineering - An Opportunity for Consulting Engineers to Redefine Their Role. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O’Brien, Eddie (2010) Facilities Management (FM) – A feasibility study of developing an FM service within a leading Irish contracting firm. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O’Connell, Ross (2010) Internationalisation of Architectural Services – An investigation into the development of International services by the leading Irish Architectural firms. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O’Connor, Paul (2010) Wave Energy and the Irish Construction Sector. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O’Farrell, Peter (2010) An investigation into the use of Value Engineering in Irish Engineering Consultancy Firms. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O’Sullivan, David (2010) Stress Management in Construction – An investigation into stress experienced by individuals in the Irish construction sector. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Quinlan, Victor (2010) Hydropower Generation & Construction – An investigation into the potential role of a leading Irish contractor in the development of hydropower projects. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Ryan, Emma (2010) Off-Site Construction (OSC)– An investigation into the use of OSC on school building projects in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Stafford, Des (2010) Wind Power - An investigation into potential onshore and offshore wind farm sites in Ireland. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Zhang, Lin (2010) Risk Management & Construction – An investigation into the Risk Management Process in Chinese Construction Firms. Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.